Features & Roadmap

Supported files formats + architectures and roadmap for next versions


CPU architectures

Malcat is not IDA: it does not try to handle all CPU architectures, but only to support the ones that are used by most malware. For performance reason, the disassemblers are currently written in CPP and users cannot add new architectures, but python-based disassembler support may be added in the future. You can find below the current list of supported architectures:

CPU Disassembler Decompiler Strings identification Function discovery Notes
x86 Yes Yes scan (+heuristics for Golang/Rust) linear + recursive + pattern matching disssembler based on Zydis, decompiler on Sleigh
x64 Yes Yes scan (+heuristics for Golang/Rust) linear + recursive + pattern matching disssembler based on Zydis, decompiler on Sleigh
.NET Yes No Yes (metadata) Yes (metadata) custom disassembler
PY 2.7 Yes No Yes (metadata) Yes (metadata) custom disassembler
PY 3.6 .. 3.11 Yes No Yes (metadata) Yes (metadata) custom disassembler
NSIS Yes No Yes (metadata) linear + recursive custom disassembler
InnoSetup/PascalScript Yes No No linear + recursive custom disassembler
AutoIT 3.26+ No Yes No No detokenization of AutoIT scripts
VB Pcode Partial No Yes (reference scan) Yes incomplete because of lack of doc
VBA (office) No Yes No No can also display orphan scripts
Excel macros (office) No Yes Yes (metadata) - Biff8 and Biff12 support
can machine code be analyzed
can source code be recovered
Strings identification:
if and how does Malcat identify the strings of the program. scan means that a standard linear sweep string search algorithm is used, the one you can find in most tools.
Function discovery:
if program methods/functions are identified.

File formats

Malcat supports a large amount of file formats, using its python-based file parsers. When a format is supported, it means that you will be able to see its internal structures and also identify it when embeded inside larger files (aka file carving). And for archives/file systems, in-app unpacking is also often supported.

Note that anyone can easily add support for a new file format by adding new scripts to Malcat's data directories.


Here you can find the current list of supported executable formats:

File Format Structures parsing Debug informations Resources Notes
AutoIt 3.26+ only - - Scripts can be decompiled (hit F4)
COFF Yes symbols and CV13 debug symbols - relocations, symbols, imports
ELF Yes symbols, no DWARF - relocations, symbols, imports, big and little endian
INNO SETUP Yes - - setup script can be disassembled
LNK Yes - - while not a program format per se, it can be used to run commands
MDMP Partial No - Windows minidumps, partial support
NSIS Yes Yes - setup script can be disassembled, most sections parsed
OLE Yes - - VBA macros can be displayed (hit F4)
PE/PE+ Yes Only debug directory, no PDB Yes exports, imports (+ bound/delay), relocations, tls, debug, load config, certificates, version informations
PE::DotNet Yes Types and methods Yes types, methods, resources, exceptions, strings
PE::Golang Yes pclntable and filetable -
PE::Visual Basic Yes types and events VB forms native and PCode support, project infos, objects array, forms and events
PYC Yes Yes - support for python 2.7+ and 3.6+, can handle PY2EXE and PYINST scripts
VBE Yes - - Malcat supports unpacking the original VBS script
XLS Yes - - The /Workbook stream inside OLE containers. Cell informations (including formulas) can be recovered (hit F4)
XLSB Yes - - The .bin files inside OpenXML .xlsb containers. Cell informations (including formulas) can be recovered (hit F4)
Structures parsing:
if the file format parser identifies (most of) the binary structures of the file format
Debug informations:
if debug informations are parsed
if the program embeds resource, can Malcat identify and extract them?

Archives / File Systems / Databases

While Malcat has no pretension of being a full-fledged archive opener, it supports most archive types used by malware. Some file format parsers are more advanced than others and even allow the user to open archive member directly inside Malcat. Here is a list of supported file formats:

File Format Structures parsing In-application unpacking Summary Notes
7Z EncodedHeader only No No
ACE Yes Yes Yes
AR Yes Yes Yes Old file format also used for .lib files. Supports MS and Unix libraries
AutoIt 3.26+ only 3.26+ only Yes Scripts can be decompiled (hit F4)
CAB Yes Yes Yes
CFB/OLE2 Yes Yes Yes VBA macros can be displayed (hit F4)
FAT12/16/32 Yes Yes Yes Currently limited to small to medium files trees
GZIP Yes Yes Yes
INNO SETUP Yes Yes Yes Support Inno Setup installers starting from 4.0.0 up to 6.2.0
ISO Yes Yes Yes
JFFS2 Yes lzo/lzma/rtime/zlib only Yes Used in firmwares
MSI Yes Yes Yes MSI tables can be displayed (hit F4)
NSIS Yes zlib and lzma, no bz2 support Yes
PYINST Yes Yes Yes Extracted python scripts get their python header restored
PYZ Yes Yes Yes Extracted python scripts get their python header restored
RAR4 Yes No Yes Archives comments are shown for easy SFX analysis
RAR5 Yes No Yes Archives comments are shown for easy SFX analysis
SquashFS Yes lzo/lzma/xz only Yes Used in firmwares
Sqlite Partial Not yet No Work in progress
TAR Yes Yes Yes
UDF Yes Yes Yes
UImage Yes lzo/lzma/gzip/bzip2 only Yes Used in firmwares
VHD Yes Yes Yes Support for dynamic disks
ZIP Yes Yes Yes
ZLIB stream Yes Yes Yes
Structures parsing:
if the file format parser identifies (most of) the binary structures of the file format
In-application unpacking:
if the file format parser can directly extract and open archive members. Inside Malcat, one can then open a file by double-clicking them inside the Virtual File System tab.
if Malcat displays a summary report in the Summary view

Multimedia / Documents

Document/pictures identification is very useful for malware analysis. A lot of obfuscators love to disguise their payloads as multimedia files. Or hide it inside a multimedia file, in some unused space.

File Format Structures parsing Metadata Notes
BMP Yes - Both BMP and DIB (i.e BMP without FileHeader) are supported
DOC Partial (FCB) Yes The /WordDocument stream inside OLE containers
EMF Yes Yes Used in office documents
GIF Yes Yes
ICO Yes -
JPEG Yes Tiff
ONE Yes No You can list and open embedded file objects
OOXML No No Well it's a ZIP, so you can browse it inside Malcat
PDF Minimal (PDF dictionnary) No Very minimal support since not really a binary format
PNG Yes Yes Pixel information can be extracted using scripts
WAV Basic No No
XLS Yes Yes Cell content + formula can be displayed (hit F4)
XLSB Yes Yes Cell content + formula can be displayed (hit F4)
Structures parsing:
if the file format parser identifies (most of) the binary structures of the file format
if most metadata (author, comments, time, etc.) are extracted


Development of Malcat just started and you can expect its features list to grow. So beside the regular bug fixes, QOL improvements and signatures updates, here is a list of the big improvements that are planned so far. Note that this list may change in the future, depending on the user feedback and the state of sales.

Short term

FLIRT signatures:
Scan for FLIRT signatures and label matching functions accordingly (done)
RTTI analysis:
Extract type information for MSVC (done) and GCC

Mid term

SVG export:
Export content views into an SVG file for online publication
PDB files:
Support loading external PDB debug information into Malcat.
.NET and .PYC decompilers:
That would be a lot of work, but having a native decompiler for those language would definitely be nice (even if it's unlikely to be on par with the .NET-based ones)
Function parameters analysis:
Identify function parameters at call sites. For known APIs, label them using a knowledge base.
ARM support:
If a nice disasm library which does not weight 5MB (hi capstone) can be found.

Long term

Collaborative function signatures:
Malcat could benefit from a function signature format that allows fuzzy matching and collaboration between users based on an online database. This obviously requires a lot of work and careful thinking to handle conflicts between users.
Type analysis:
That would be nice. The question is how much would it slow down the analysis.
Keystone integration:
Allows users to assemble code using the keystone assembler