A Blog about malware and file formats

All articles for category: unpacking
Reversing a NSIS dropper using quick and dirty shellcode emulation

Reversing a NSIS dropper using quick and dirty shellcode emulation

Sun 17 April 2022
We will statically unpack and emulate a malicious NSIS installer running multiple shellcodes, up to the final Lokibot password stealer and its configuration.
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Cutting corners against a Dridex downloader

Cutting corners against a Dridex downloader

Sun 13 March 2022
When one faces obfuscated code, it is sometimes more efficient to focus on the data instead. By using Malcat's different views and analyses (and a bit of guessing as well), we will show how to statically unpack an excel downloader and the following obfuscated native dropper without (much) reverse engineering.
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Exploit, steganography and Delphi: unpacking DBatLoader

Exploit, steganography and Delphi: unpacking DBatLoader

Tue 07 December 2021
We will unroll a maldoc spam exploiting CVE-2018-0798 leading to a multi-staged Delphi dropper abusing steganography and cloud services to conceal its payload
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Statically unpacking a simple .NET dropper

Statically unpacking a simple .NET dropper

Mon 16 August 2021
Our target is a 2-layers .NET dropper using multiple cipher passes (XOR, AES ECB and AES CBC + PBKDF2) to finally drop a Loki sample. Without even starting a debugger, we will show how to unpack it 100% statically using Malcat's builtin transformations and the python scripting engine.
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